

Engar sýningar

Mynd þessi er ekki við hæfi yngri en 12 ára

  • Tegund: Glæpir/Crime, Drama, Ævisaga/Biography
  • Leikstjóri: Spike Lee
  • Handritshöfundur: Charlie Wachtel | David Rabinowitz | Kevin Willmott | Spike Lee | based on the book by Ron Stallworth
  • Ár: 2018
  • Lengd: 135
  • Land: Bandaríkin
  • Frumsýnd: 10. Maí 2019
  • Tungumál: Enska / English - No subtitles
  • Aðalhlutverk: John David Washington, Adam Driver, Laura Harrier, Topher Grace, Alec Baldwin, Jasper Pääkkönen

Ekki missa af myndinni sem var sögð of svört fyrir Íslendinga – TAKMARKAÐUR SÝNINGAFJÖLDI!!!

Ótrúleg og sönn saga amerískrar hetju frá leikstjóranum Spike Lee, en myndin hefur hlotið frábæra dóma og unnið til fjölda verðlauna, þ.á.m. hlaut hún 6 tilnefningar til Óskarsverðlauna 2019 og vann verðlaunin fyrir besta handrit byggt á áður útgefnu efni.

Svarti lögreglumaðurinn Ron Stallworth frá Colorado, tekst að komast í raðir Ku Klux Klan öfgasamtakanna, og verða umdæmisstjóri á því svæði þar sem hann býr.


Don’t miss out on the movie that was considered too black for Iceland – ONLY LIMITED NUMBER OF SCREENINGS!!!

From visionary filmmaker Spike Lee comes the incredible true story of an American hero. The film has garnered rave reviews and won numerous awards, it garnered 6 Oscar nominations 2019 and won an Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay.

It’s the early 1970s, and Ron Stallworth (John David Washington) is the first African-American detective to serve in the Colorado Springs Police Department. Determined to make a name for himself, Stallworth bravely sets out on a dangerous mission: infiltrate and expose the Ku Klux Klan. The young detective soon recruits a more seasoned colleague, Flip Zimmerman (Adam Driver), into the undercover investigation of a lifetime. Together, they team up to take down the extremist hate group as the organization aims to sanitize its violent rhetoric to appeal to the mainstream.

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