Private: Rússneskir kvikmyndadagar 2016 // Russian Film Days 2016



Engar sýningar

  • Tegund: Drama, Melodrama
  • Leikstjóri: Aleksandr Kott
  • Ár: 2015
  • Lengd: 90 mín
  • Land: Rússland
  • Frumsýnd: 16. September 2016
  • Tungumál: Rússneska með enskum texta
  • Aðalhlutverk: Andrey Bilzho, Dmitriy Kulichkov, Elena Makhova

Pavel Zuev missir sjónina skyndilega og þarf að hefja nýtt líf í kjölfarið. Þegar hann kynnist konu sem sér meira en hinn venjulegi maður breytist allt …

Myndin er sýnd á Rússneskum Kvikmyndadögum í Bíó Paradís, frítt inn og allir velkomnir.


Pavel Zuev has to start his life over from darkness after he loses his sight in an accident. The young man has to learn again how to eat, walk, wash himself, do simple housework, and even how to look out of the window without seeing anything. All connections to his previous life are broken. In this new life blind Zuev encounters an exceptional woman capable of seeing more than other people. Her name sounds symbolic – Nadezhda (translates as ‘hope’ into English) and she works at the local hospital. Nadezhda will help Zuev find his strength and a new sense of existing. These equally strong but otherwise different people spend together what, perhaps, will be the best days of their lives; but everything has an ending.

The film is screened on the fourth edition of Russian Film Days in Bíó Paradís, free entrance and everyone is welcome.