Private: Hönnunarmars í Bíó paradís

The human scale


Engar sýningar

  • Tegund: Heimildamynd/Documentary
  • Leikstjóri: Andreas Dalsgaard
  • Ár: 2012
  • Lengd: 77
  • Land: Danmörk
  • Frumsýnd: 15. Mars 2015
  • Tungumál: Enska

The human scale er heimildamynd sem skoðar nútíma borgarlandslag og það hvað gerist ef við setjum fólk og þarfir þess í forgrunn borgarþróunar. Danski arkitektinn Jan Gehl hefur skoðað mannlega hegðun í borgum sl 40 ár en útgangspunktur hans er áhugi á fólki fremur en byggingum. Gehl veltur upp ýmsum spurningum um mannlíf í borgum og hvernig hægt er að þróa þær í átt að því að verða notalegri fyrir mannfólkið.


The human scale questions our assumptions about modernity, exploring what happens when we put people into the center of our equations.
For 40 years the Danish architect Jan Gehl has systematically studied human behavior in cities. His starting point was an interest in people, more than buildings – in what he called Life Between Buildings. What made it exist? When was it destroyed? How could it be brought back? This lead to studies of how human beings use the streets, how they walk, see, rest, meet, interact etc. Jan Gehl also uses statistics, but the questions he asks are different. For instance: How many people pass this street throughout a 24 hour period? How many percent of those are pedestrians? How many are driving cars or bikes? How much of the street space are the various groups allowed to use? Is this street performing well for all its users? Jan Gehl made his first studies in Italy and later he inspired the planning of Denmark’s capital, Copenhagen, for 40 years. His ideas inspired the creation of walking streets, the building and improvements of bike paths and the reorganization of parks, squares and other public spaces throughout this city and in many other cities in the Nordic region. Around the world cities like Melbourne, Dhaka, New York, Chongqing and Christchurch are now also being inspired by Gehl’s work and by the developments in Copenhagen.

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