Óþekkti hermaðurinn gerist á þeim tíma sem Finnar kalla Framhaldsstríðið, eða frá 1941-44. Byggð á metsölubókinni Óþekkti hermaðurinn eftir Väinö Linna. Myndin gerist á tímum seinni heimsstyrjaldarinnar og sögusviðið er stríðið milli Finnlands og Sovétríkjanna 1941-1944. Þetta er fjölpersónusaga sem lýsir mörgum ólíkum einstaklingum innan tiltekinnar herdeildar, allt frá herkvaðningu til vopnahlés.
Stærsta stríðsmynd sem gerð hefur verið á Norðurlöndunum- sýnd sem hluti af sumardagskrá Bíó Paradís í júlí 2018 með enskum texta.
Ingvar Þórðarson og Júlíus Kemp eru meðframleiðendur myndarinnar.
A film adaptation of Väinö Linna’s best selling novel The Unknown Soldier (1954) and the novel’s unedited manuscript version, Sotaromaani.
“Unknown Soldier” is war drama and an adaption of the 1954 bestselling Finnish classic novel of the same name by Väinö Linna which takes place in the Continuation War between Finland and the Soviet Union from 1941 to 1944.
Finnish war epic Unknown Soldier has taken more than $15m at the local box office, making it the biggest film ever in the territory since modern records began in the 1970s. In the same period, the 850,000 admissions for the movie are second only to Titanic. The film also drew 20,000 people to its Swedish debut, also a record for a Finnish film.
Box office records aren’t the only milestones the film is crossing. Aku Louhimies’ historical epic, which cost around €7m, has also smashed the Guinness World Record for the most high-explosives detonated in a film take.
Screened in July 2018 with English subtitles.