Westlife eru komnir aftur! Það eru liðin 20 ár síðan hið ofurvinsæla írska strákaband braust inná vinsældalistana, nú snúa þeir aftur með nýtt endurkomu tónleikaferðalag sem kemur í kvikmyndahús um allan heim bara í eina kvöldstund! Upplifðu alla bestu smellina með besta útsýnið í geggjaðri partýstemningu í Paradís!
Upplifðu þessa stórkostlegu tónleika í frábærum hljóð- og myndgæðum fimmtudaginn 15. ágúst kl.20:00 í Bíó Paradís – EINGÖNGU ÞETTA EINA KVÖLD!!!
Westlife are back! It’s been 20 years since they smashed into the charts in 1999 with ‘Swear It Again’ and went on to achieve a staggering 14 number one UK singles, selling 55 million records worldwide. Now, their highly anticipated reunion tour is coming to cinemas worldwide.
The final spectacular show of the UK and Ireland leg of the ‘The Twenty Tour’ will be recorded LIVE and brought to cinemas from Dublin’s iconic Croke Park stadium. Irish heartthrobs Shane, Nicky, Mark and Kian will perform brand-new music alongside their greatest hits and all 14 of their UK No.1 singles, including ‘Uptown Girl’, ‘Flying Without Wings’, ‘You Raise Me Up’ and ‘If I Let You Go’.
For one unforgettable night, Westlife fans from coast to coast will raise the roof once more, in celebration of one of pop’s most sensational comebacks.
Experience this amazing concert with fabulous sound and picture quality on Thursday August 15th @8pm in Bíó Paradís – ONLY THIS ONE NIGHT!!!