Hér ber að líta nýja hlið fatahönnuðarins Alexander McQueen. Við fáum að sjá persónulegar upptökur sem hafa ekki litið dagsins ljós áður og fáum nána innsýn í drauma hans, hræðslur og langanir. Áhorfendur fá að fylgja honum eftir og upplifa einstakan listamann sem lést fyrir eigin hendi langt um aldur fram.
Á hátíðinni Fashion Film Festival eru sýndar tískumiðaðar heimildamyndir. Haldnir verða viðburðir með sýningum og með því stefnt að því að auðga fagsamhengi tísku hérlendis sem og að gefa nemendum í faginu tækifæri til að koma sér á framfæri og hitta aðra innan fagsins.
Markmið hátíðarinnar er að stefna saman fagsamhengi og áhugafólki, skoða áhrifamikla listamenn tískunnar og minna á mikilvægt samtal um umhverfisáhrifin sem iðnaðurinn hefur á heiminn.
Portraying his life from his debut collection through to the tragedy of his premature death, “McQueen” is a film that evokes Lee McQueen’s unique vision, originality and maverick sense of humour. The transformative impact of his personality and his work is captured in never-before-seen home movies, audio tapes and “behind-the-scenes” footage shot throughout his career. This material is stitched together with deeply personal interviews from close family, friends and collaborators and cinematic original material that takes us on a journey into McQueen’s mind. His fears, dreams, obsessions, desires and nightmares are on screen for the audience to re-live along with the most memorable and iconic moments in his shows – like nothing the fashion world has ever seen before, or since. The film allows us to search deeply into what made the man a unique artist of his times, as well as helping us to understand the mystery of why, at the height of his acclaim and power, he shockingly made the decision to end to it all.
Fashion Film Festival focuses on fashion oriented documentaries. Events will be hosted alongside screenings as to add to the experience of the screenings as well as adding to the conversation in fashion here in Iceland.
The purpose of the festival is to create a common space for professionals, students and people with an interest in fashion. We look to artists within the fashion industry while focusing on the important conversation about environment and morals surrounding phenomena such as ‘fast fashion’ and youth as fashion’s focus.