Japönsk töfrahelgi fyrir börn og ungmenni.
Á árinu 2047, ræðst geimvera sem þekkt er undir kenninafninu FOS á jörðina og brýst í gegnum stærstu borgir heims í einni bylgju. Nú er árið 2053, og Akeshima Taishi, sem missti föður sinn í árás FOS, fær hugsanlega sína langþráðu hefnd.
Laugadagur 5. september kl. 18:00. Japanskir kvikmyndadagar – Frítt inn.
A Weekend of Japanese Magic for Children and Youth
In the year 2047, an alien life-form codenamed FOS invades Earth and smashes through the world’s major cities in one wave. The earth unites to fight back and puts up a Diffuser in place to stop further invasions 3 years after. Now in 2053, a plan is made for a last counterattack that must disable the Diffuser for an offensive…and Akeshima Taishi, who lost his father to the FOS when they first invaded, may finally get his revenge.
Saturday September 5th at 6 pm. Japanese Film Days – Free entrance.